This time of year is one of the busiest and most stressful. I've come to realize I need to take some time to scale back, even if it's just temporarily, to focus on work and family.
It kills me to put the blog on hold, but it is something I feel I must do until I can get a handle on things.
Friends tell me I'm stretched too thin. I focus on too many things.
I have to. I can't help it. There's so much I want to do. So many stories I want to tell, in any way I can.
My hope is, that by January I'll have more short stories to post here. Things are just not stable enough at the moment for me to finish writing anything. I've got several stories started, just...not finished.
Many, many, many opportunities fell through this year. It's been month to month for as long as I can remember. Glimmers of hope for stability fade or are obscured by the darkness of stress and tension.
I need time.
Thank you for reading so far and please keep an eye out for more in 2014. I still hope of putting together a book of short stories next year. Perhaps, if such a book is successful it might bring in some much needed funds so that I won't feel guilty when I try to relax or rest.
They say "Sleep is for the weak" but all things weaken under the stress of a million hits. Bones grow stronger from repeated strikes, but only if they are allowed time to mend.
Thank you again for reading.
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